
COVID19 recommendations for housing - ImmoJeune

Clock 4 minutes Clock Published at 08/12/2020

COVID19 recommendations for housing - ImmoJeune

Message for tenants and owners,

As you know, the French government invites you to considerably reduce your trips and avoid physical contact to preserve the health and safety of all.

In the event that you are required to relocate soon or rent out one of your real estate assets, we invite you to follow our following recommendations in your procedures:

  • Switch to contactless visits thanks to video calls on Whatsapp, Facetime or Skype.
  • Carry out the signing of the lease online.
  • When handing over the keys, keep a safe distance, do not shake hands and disinfect the contact object.

Vigilance: Even in an emergency, an owner cannot legally request the payment of a sum of money remotely before the signing of the rental lease and the handing over of the keys.

Our team remains at your disposal by email to answer your requests and ensure the continuity of the platform's housing service.

Wishing you all to take care of your health.
See you soon,

The ImmoJeune team


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